Get Ancient European Ancestors The DNA Archaeological Historic and Linguistic Evidence
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This book was converted from color to shades of grey from the book of the same name on April 8, 2016. Many records, both ancient and more recent, have been examined to see where the majority of Europeans, and their descendant originated. There have been many studies suggesting that the origin of Europeans goes back to the Near East and before that to the plains of Eurasia. This study has examined primary sources of information as well as secondary and tertiary sources and compared that information to current DNA analysis of Europeans and their ancestors. Primary sources are documents, correspondence, and diaries; secondary sources are interpretations and written history; and tertiary sources are textbooks and encyclopedias. While this study does not try to prove a theory, it proceeds as though one is offered but it is up to the reader to draw his or her own conclusions. The original work was updated in 2015. This work is followed by a fictional account titled "The Nomads: Their Migration Experiences" that is the beginning of a series that helps to explain the evolution of some European Ancestor's families. Archaeological News View My Stats. Hear the weekly news in audio and now podcasting!! March 7th to 10th 2017 Edition. From Vilified to Vindicated: the Story of Jacques Cinq-Mars-How a ... The Basques are genetically distinctive - Gene Expression That only says what we already know: that Basques have not the same alchemy as real Iberians which are all roughly the same (because they are descendant of ... Black Britain - Many people cannot get their minds around the idea that our genetically defective Albinos could have gone renegade after spending millennia in Central Asia ... Scythians - Wikipedia The Scythians (/ s i. n / or / s i. n /; from Greek ) also known as Scyth Saka Sakae Sacae Sai Iskuzai or ... The Real History of White People Ancient Man and His First Civilizations . The Real History of White People . The falsity of White history begins and ends with their desire to hide their true nature ... Urheimat - Wikipedia Urheimat (/ r h a m t /; German pronunciation: [uhamat]; from a German compound of ur-"original" and Heimat "home homeland") is a ... Ancient Europe - Before 900 BC - Worldology Ancient Europe (Before 900 BC) Origins of European Nations and Ethno-Groups. Go to European History Interactive Map. Humans Migrate Into Europe ( 50000 Years Ago ... Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is ... Sphinx at the Giza plateau in Egypt. It is an ancient construction that has baffled researchers ever since its discovery and until today no one has been... Ancient American Magazine: Back Issues Ancient American Back Issues. Back issues are available as original print format and digital PDFs for download. Be sure to add the correct format desired. AFRICAN KINGDOMS - Kingdoms of Ancient African History Africa was the birthplace of civilization humanity and kingdoms.
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